华教网 考试资讯 2019广西高考英语作文题目预测




1、请用英语写一篇论述“早起”(early rising)重要性的短文。 (1) 论点:早起有益。(2) 论据:早起可呼吸到新鲜空气,做早操,对身体健康有好处:早起对学习有好处; 早起可从容制定工作计划,对工作有好处。 (3) 结论:晚起的人都应早起。 

Early Rising

Early rising benefits us in many ways.

First, it helps to keep us fit. We all need fresh air. But air is never so fresh as early in the morning. Besides, by taking morning exercises we can improve our health.

Second, it can help us in our studies. In the morning we can learn more quickly. Third, it can enable us to plan our work for the day. We cannot work well without a proper plan. Early rising can also give us enough time to get ready for our work..

So we say that those who always get up late should make great effort to get up early.

2、请根据下列提示,写一篇题为“我们的英语教师”的和短文,字数在120个左右。 提示:(1) 你们老师是位中年妇女。她教书二十多年,工作一贯认真,多次被评为模范教师。 (2) 她对你们既严又亲,经常鼓励你们多说多读。(3) 她上课生动有趣,常给你们放幻灯,教你们唱英语歌,还辅导你们排演英语短剧。 (4) 她热爱你们,总是乐于帮助你们。她真是值得你们敬爱的好老师。

Our English Teacher

Our English teacher is a middle-aged woman. She has taught English for more than twenty years. She works very hard and has been a model teacher for many years.

She is kind to us. but she is rather strict with us. She always encourages us to speak and read more English. She often tells us that “practice makes perfect.” She is very good at teaching and tries hard to make every lesson lively and interesting. She often gives us slide shows, teaches us English songs and helps us to put on short English plays.

She loves us and is always ready to help us. In fact, she is not only our good teacher but also our good friend. We all respect and love her.


请你根据下面的提示,写一篇题为“The Seasons”的短文,字数在120~140之间。 提示:

(1) 春季,天气转暖,万物苏醒。农民忙于播种。

(2) 夏季,天气炎热,雨量充足,对农民来说是个繁忙的季节。

(3) 秋季,气候适宜,白天碧空万里,夜间繁星点点,是一个收获的季节。 (4) 冬季,昼短夜长,天气寒冷,但农民却忙于准备来年的春耕。

The Seasons

There are four seasons in a year: spring, summer, autumn and winter. In spring the weather gradually gets warmer and everything comes back to life. The peasants are busy with sowing.

When summer comes, the weather gets very hot. It rains quite often. It is a busy season for the peasants.

Autumn is the best season of the year. The weather is neither too hot nor too cold. The sky is blue and cloudless. At night millions of stars shine in the sky. It is the time for harvest.


