华教网 考试资讯 安全生产许可证翻译



The company responsible for the publicity columns, poster, and other business systems, information and cultural organizations, scheling board, writing, publicity and updated on a regular basis; a number of successful organizations, planning, presided over large-scale cultural and recreational activities, according to the company activities, the activities of the track Filming, recording, promotion and do a good job records and archives; completion of the organization’s culture, files, documents prepared for the archives, working memory;
2, responsible for staff recruitment, to establish a comprehensive test database, improve the recruitment, deployment, leaving the system and processes; with the recruitment channels to establish a good relationship between the skilled use of a variety of recruitment channels (such as the talent market, intermediary agencies, executive search firm to recruit Network And campus recruitment, etc.) for the recruitment of staff, has been linked to cooperate recruitment agencies include: Z-Tone talent market, an exchange talent market, the talent market in Dongguan, Paterson, such as executive search. So that the long-term stability of the staff at the state and at the same time the company reserves the necessary talent;
3, to establish and perfect the management system of training, planning, organization, implementation, evaluation and inction training employees on-the-job training for new employees as quickly as possible into the team so that the work of the old staff skills and enthusiasm for the work of the increase in The company found its own direction of development. According to the company’s development strategy for the development of the annual training plan and budget; with the various training institutions to establish good relations and improve their training skills, a variety of training programs to ensure the effective implementation of the corporate leadership and that of my colleagues recognized;
4, the company has overall responsibility for the personnel system, as well as the benefits of the establishment of insurance work. During the on-the-job properly address the various types of labor disputes, and to comply with the new law’s promulgation and implementation of the new and improved mechanisms for labor relations. These include the formation of the contract files; staff with the preparation of the revised manual; reasonable adjustments to the salary structure for the establishment of a harmonious environment, employment and management of the environment and lay a solid foundation;
5, the company’s pay system to improve the system and improve the use of salary surveys and other channels to understand the market pay levels, pay for the company’s strategy formulation and implementation of the external data to find information, and the company has been led by a high degree of Recognition;
6, staff from time to time to collect information through questionnaires, to set up a suggestion box, and other ways to communicate with employees, continue to build enterprise-wide systems have a very rich plot to carry out the activities of the collective efforts to create mutual assistance, solidarity, harmony enterprise Culture;
7, the ISO system of supervision in the company’s operations, responsible for the ISO9001: 2000 & ISO14001: 2004 implementation, certification, maintenance and continuous improvement, and passed the SGS SGS-CSTC Standard Technical Service Co., Ltd. external audit;
8, the preparation of various departments and improve the position statement of work for the staff’s promotion, transfer, dismissal, training, performance, provide a basis for pay;
9, the company responsible for organizing various types of documents (such as safety proction license, mine permits, etc.) of the annual work with the government’s functional departments (such as IESS, the Labor Bureau, Security Bureau, the Environmental Protection Agency, etc.) to maintain good communication.
Involved in the operation of the administrative back-up services, including security management of fire, vehicles, hostels and canteens management.
2, to assist the implementation of the recruitment process for staff recruitment, recruitment, leave, transfer, promotion proceres and so on.
3, is responsible for the inction of new staff, and post-evaluation to track and communicate at any time employees work incentives.
4, the personnel responsible for operation and maintenance of the system, statistics and the proction of various types of statements personnel, personnel of the situation analysis.
5, to assist the department to carry out the business and cultural activities.
6, is responsible for the procurement of office supplies, control and distribution, office equipment and the management and use.
7, the development of the company and to oversee the implementation of the rules and regulations.
8, to keep abreast of relevant national policies (such as social security policy, labor relations policy, etc.), according to the actual situation, the personnel of the reasonable proposals put forward;.
9, the company responsible for calculating the salaries of their employees, and the approval issuing.
10, in charge of labor contracts, employee information on various types of personnel files and information management.
11, the day-to-day human resources support for the relevant work to ensure that the human resources mole to carry out effective work.



11 .リーディング・组织[组织,从广义上说,组织是指由诸多要素按照一定方式相互联系起来的系统。]が事故を起こした分析会、履行の「四不コロラド・ロキス」の原则を明らかにしなければならない

12 .编纂安全ブリーフィングや安全月报1顺位の统计によると、対象に安全にまとめ、组织の安全検査を受けた。

13 .担当の职业上の検诊を払拭し、该当のファイルだった

14 .职业病危害要素の国势调査登记を建档とモニターリング布点、モニタリングしており、それ相応の资质を受け付けられているものだと伝えた

15 .実施组织の新・改・补修事业の安全、プロの卫生「三とともに」で働いていた

16 .実施组织安保予算评価、安保悬案の评価、安全プロジェクトと评価されている


18 .担当业务上の灾害や职业病の治疗费の审査を强化し、调和医疗保険関连の问题だ。

19 .安全生产[生产(produce),指人类从事创造社会财富的活动和过程,包括物质财富、精神财富的创造和人自身的生育,亦称社会生产。]许可の诱致と日常の管理に携わっている

20 .国家関连文书精神、组织の主要関系者と安全生产管理者を育成し、検证を経て合格[合格,是指有符合标准,符合要求的意思。]した。

21 .组织で展开されて重大な危険源検査、评価およびモニタリング・制定応急の予告だった

22 .组织编制生产安全事故の応急救援[救援是指个人或人们,在遭遇灾难或其他非常情况(含自然灾害、意外事故、突发危险事件等)时,获得实施解救行动的整个过程;而救援事业是指能够做长久完善地准备和随时随地能够及时实施解救行动的事务;而救援产业,-jiuyuan]予告、设立応急救护団体や指定され応急救护要员を搭载する必要な応急救援器具や装备を购入した

23 .编成の职业安全保健事业计画を确定した后、计画の遂行监视をして検査を受けた


第五十三条 将纯度较低的化学品[化学品是指各种元素组成的纯净物和混合物,无论是天然的还是人造的。]提纯至纯度较高的危险化学品的,适用本办法。购买某种危险化学品进行分装(包括充装)或者加入非危险化学品的溶剂进行稀释,然后销售或者使用的,不适用本办法。


4、营业执照经营范围求翻译!!!! 急用!!在线等!

Advance license management projects: nitrocellulose lacquer (including level 1 flammable solvents), poly (amino formic acid ester resin paint (including secondary flammable solvent) and nitro primer (containing flammable solvents) proction, sales (safety proction license will expire on July 7, 2014), packaging decoration printed matter printing (valid until March 31, 2014) generally management project: paper box, paper box sales, import and export of goods (except prohibited by laws and administrative rules and regulations to operate the project, the laws and administrative regulations limited to operate the project to obtain permission to operate)





6、急 问安全生产许可证翻译成英文是如何



(YN)CD An..Safety Proction License No.[2010]0431.


























1. 안 전 계 체 약 결: 안전 협정 체결: 지금 단계 에서 공사 현장 은 총 가방 관리 하지 않 았 으며 준공 전 은 총괄 가방 담당 하청 업체 의 안전 관리 를 하청 업체 통합 과 총 가방 中建 세트 체결 안보 협약 을 맺 었 다.2. 제출 자료 목록 은 이렇다. 안전 · 1. 단위 자질 (법인 증, 조직 기구 코드 증, 영업 허가, 안전 생산 허가증) · 2. 메이커 사업 안전 관리 조직 기본 투 · 3. 안전 관리 절차 문건 (와 같은 안전 책임제, 복병 정화 시정 제도, 안전 교육 제도, 위험 작업 관리 제도, 출입구 의 경비 제도, 방화 제도) · 4. 응급 예고 · 5. 현장 통신 연락처 · 6. 인원 인명부 (임원, 시공 인원, 특수 요원 명부 작업 및 증서, 세 부류 요원 증, 3 등급 교육 기록) · 7. 보험 (공사 인원 보험 산재 보험) · 8. 기계 설비 汇总表 · 9. 안전 비용 리스트 및 계획 · 10. 공사 과정 에서 주 문형 방안 을 3. 안전 교육 지점: 사업 안 위원회 사무실 시간: 월요일, 수요일, 금요일 오전 9:00 4. 기술 부문 맹 형 규 정무 담당 을 맡 자기 부처 의 하청 업체 현장 작업 안전 담당 을 하청 업체 입장 맵시 를 미리 사흘 에 안 가 사업 신청




